Opus front and back

back to section start!

  The  dopus front  and  dopus back   are self-explanatory, all
they do is move the Opus screen or window to the front or back of your

  They can be used within an ARexx script like so:

 /* DOpusFrontBack.dopus5 */ 
address 'DOPUS.1'             /* Address the Opus ARexx port */
dopus front                   /* Bring the DOpus display to the front */
address command wait 2        /* Wait for 2 seconds */
dopus back                    /* Send the DOpus display to the back */
exit                          /* Exit the script */

  If you were running this tutorial as a window on an Opus screen which is
set to Backdrop, (Opus menu), then all you would have noticed is that the
window would have become deactivated.

  These would have to be the simplest commands in the Opus ARexx interface.

DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...